
Updated 02/15/03

Razorbacks were manufactured circa 1989 - 1992 by WWP.  MSRP new - $189.98 to $199.98.
They were frequently used as rental guns at early fields, along with Nelspot 007's, CMI Thunderpigs, SL-68's and some Taso 'guns like the Spartan. Razorbacks came stock with a CA adapter, allowing you to either use a 12 gram quick changer or constant air. They came with direct feed breech and a thick bull barrel up to 14" long. Velocity was controlled by adjusting the hammer & valve springs. The bolt had no anti-kinking sleeve, but used a metal double-arm pump handle to prevent binding. They use the standard Nelson- based firing mechanism, but the valve tube is discernably larger.  Razorbacks came with a Lone Star Ordinance (M-16)  grip. They also came with an  auto trigger to allow it to compete with the fast-rising number of semi's that began dominating the fields in the early 90's. These markers came in 3 versions I know of:  the Razorback, the Razorback II, and the Razorback III.
One more thing that set them apart- the teflon coating on both the exterior & interior surfaces of the 'gun.

Old Razorback ads! 
Special thanks to 
Have Blue
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Razorback I

Pic courtesy of HaveBlue

Razorback II

Pic courtesy of Brandon Scott

Razorback III


Pic stolen from E-Bay

What's the difference between them all?
(as far as we can tell...)

Razorback I

No CA adapter, 12-gram only

Razorback II

CA adapter (optional)
Adjustable Velocity Bolt

Razorback III

CA adapter (optional)
Adjustable Velocity Bolt
Ported Barrel

Where can I get parts for the Razorback II & III?
The ONLYplace I have found parts for these 'guns isI&I Sports- and believe me I've looked!
The parts kit is $40.00 and contains a complete spring kit, valve tube, cup seal & field strip thumb screws.

For more detail on the internal workings of the Razorback, go to Page 2
If you have any more info about this 'gun, you have a pic of one you'd like posted or ANY other info about these 'guns, please e-mail me!
3-D CAD rendering courtesy of Gregg D. White - California, USA!  Thanks, Greg!